FDA Draft Guidance for Clinical Drug Interaction Studies with Combined Oral Contraceptives

The draft guidance newly released by FDA on “Clinical Drug Interaction Studies Combined with Oral Contraceptives” is now available in DIDB Resource Center. Please note that you must be signed in to access.

This draft guidance focuses on evaluating the DDI potential of an investigational new drug (i.e., perpetrator) on combined oral contraceptives  (COCs; i.e., victim) during drug development and determining how to communicate DDI study results and mitigation strategies to address potential risks associated with increased or decreased exposure of COCs in labeling.

In DIDB (as of Nov 2020), there are over 600 entries evaluating COCs as an object in dedicated clinical PK studies (including PGx data). On the other hand, nearly 200 entries were curated from clinical DDI studies where COCs serve as a precipitant.